FACT 1: David Bowie conquered glam rock
FACT 2: He is a spellbinding personality in rock music
FACT 3: His concert performances had a very huge cultural impact in the seventies
All the facts about his career are now assembled in two A-4 books: Never Get Old (David Bowie: Man of Ch-ch-changes) Part 1 and Part 2, written by Wim Hendrikse and published by Gopher Publishers. These books (with stunning cover art by Caro Rigter) are the most complete and best researched books about multimedia performer and glam rock sex symbol David Bowie so far.
Part 1 costs: EUR 35, - (excl. postage - and package costs)
Part 2 costs: EUR 45, - (excl. postage - and package costs)
The special price for the set is: EUR 75, - (excl. postage - and package costs)
In Part 1 (450 pages) a very detailed chronology / biography / collectors guide up to 1989
In Part 2 (610 pages) a very detailed chronology / biography / collectors guide 1989 - 2004
All the versions of songs Bowie has performed listed from A to Z.
Everything about the recordings, the concerts, groups that were formed, groups that split, his influences, collaborations with other artists, soundtracks, bootlegs. Name anything about Bowie's musical career and it's mentioned in the books. These books are the result of a lifetime's interest in David Bowie's work. It's a work of love.
From the author:
As every week I sat in front of the television to watch the popular Dutch TV programme Toppop. They showed the Rebel Rebel clip with Bowie in his pirate outfit. From that moment, 7-2-1974 between 19.00 h. and 20.00 h., I became addicted to Bowie's music.
When Diamond Dogs was released on 14-4-1974 I rushed to the music store and bought the album (although I did not have a record player).
In May 1974 I went to Belgium on summer camp and bought (for a nice price) the album David Bowie. One of the guys had brought a record player to the camp, so we could listen to the album over and over again. Back home I bought a record player and listened for the first time to the album Diamond Dogs. That was the second time Bowie really hit me. From that day on I was a Bowie-freak and started collecting all his albums.
The next days I bought Hunky Dory and The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars and The Man Who Sold The World. Outside was a killer and I started to collect live tapes from the Outside Tour. In 1995 I did not have the intention to write 2 books, but as I collected more and more audio it became harder and harder to prevent buying and copying things twice, so I started making all kinds of lists. As I read more and more Bowie books, all the published errors in dates and tour schedules started to annoy me and I thought I could do better.
My wife and I have a bookkeeping office at home and we don't have children, so I can listen to Bowie music most of the time when I'm working. It also gives me every day the opportunity (and the time) to add new facts to my manuscript or copy tapes and CDR's. Writing the books was done as a hobby, a work of love. But I am glad I can share them with you, so you get the opportunity to use them as a reference.
Wim Hendrikse (author) and Sjoerd de Boer (Gopher).
Update: David Bowie books written by Wim Hendrikse can now be purchased here.
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