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How to make
your Start Page

The way you set your start page (the first page you see when you launch your browser) depends on which web browser you are using.

Below are the instructions for all of the popular browsers.

Just select the browser you use from the list below and follow the instructions.
It's quite straightforward.

Netscape Navigator 3.x
  1. Start the browser.
  2. From your browser's menu, find the menu choice labelled Options. Click once on Options.
  3. From the Options menu, select General Preferences by clicking on it once. The Preferences menu will pop up.
  4. On the Appearance tab window, find the section in the middle labelled Startup. Find the section marked Browser Starts With:
  5. In the section marked Browser Starts With, make sure that home page location is selected. In the box below, enter the URL for BowieWonderworld.com: http://www.bowiewonderworld.com/
  6. Click the button labeled OK at the bottom of the Preferences menu.
  7. BowieWonderworld.com is now your start page.

Netscape Navigator/Communicator 4.x
  1. Start the browser. Type in the URL for BowieWonderworld.com: http://www.bowiewonderworld.com/
  2. From your browser's menu, find the menu option labeled Edit. Click once on Edit.
  3. From the Options menu, select Preferences by clicking on it once. The Preferences menu will pop up.
  4. By default, the Navigator options window will be open. Find the middle section labelled start page.
  5. There are two ways to make BowieWonderworld.com your start page:
    • If Navigator is currently on the BowieWonderworld.com home page, you can click the button in the start page section marked Use Current Page. This will automatically make BowieWonderworld.com your start page.
    • In the home page section, type in the box labelled Location: the URL for BowieWonderworld.com: http://www.bowiewonderworld.com/
  6. At the bottom of the Preferences window, click on the button labeled OK.
  7. BowieWonderworld.com is now your start page.

Internet Explorer 4.x
  1. Pull down the View menu and select Internet Options.
  2. Type http://www.bowiewonderworld.com/ in the Address box for your start page.
  3. Click OK.
  4. BowieWonderworld.com is now your start page.

Internet Explorer 5.x
  1. Pull down the Tools menu and select Internet Options.
  2. Type http://www.bowiewonderworld.com/ in the Address box for your start page.
  3. Click OK.
  4. BowieWonderworld.com is now your start page.

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Created: April 2001 © Paul Kinder
Last Updated: 13/4/01